Can how you think about pain be holding you back?

2 years ago
David Mc Gettigan

Can how you think about pain be holding you back? One thing that I pride myself on and that I…

Why you keep on thinking pain = damage – even

2 years ago

Why you keep on thinking pain = damage - even when you're not injured.... This is one of the common…

What does it take to overcome chronic pain?

2 years ago

What does it take to overcome chronic pain? This blog is a follow on blog from the others I have…

Why do people with pain struggle to improve long term?

2 years ago

Why do people with pain struggle to improve long-term? (hint: it's all to do with clarity about what needs to…

Deconditioning and Pain – A Vicious Cycle

3 years ago

Are you the victim of this vicious cycle? There are quite a few vicious feedback loops that can really make…

12 Books that inspired me in 2020

3 years ago

12 Books that inspired me in 2020 Atomic Habits - James Clear I started the year with this book. And…

Failed Treatments.

6 years ago

"Helplessness and immobilization keep people from utilizing their stress hormones to defend themselves. When that happens, their hormones still are…


6 years ago

Awareness is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. Especially if you are experiencing persistent pain. I don't…

Movement – Why?

6 years ago

Movement is life. There I said it. Lately in clinic people have been asking me why I consider movement to…

The dreaded leg length discrepancy!!

6 years ago

This is one of the most unhelpful MYTHS that I hear about in clinic at least once or twice a…